Welcome to UT Health Physicians!

We are recruiting people who are passionate about making lives better through exceptional health care.



Leonor Alvarado (opthalmology), Janell Brown (EPIC), Deborah Crittenden (cardiology), Ricardo Dorval (orthopaedics), Lucia Everett (dermatology), Linda Jarzombek (coding support), Priscilla Lee  (physical and occupational therapy), Christina Lozano (neurosurgery), Kelly McClellan (neurology), Vanessa Ramirez (opthalmology),Joseph Rodriguez  (general surgery), Maria Rodriguez (coding support), Haley Rust (Mays Cancer Center), Margaret Salas (Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's and Neurodegenerative Diseases), Matthew Sandlin (primary care), Jennifer Selover (coding support), Heather Sinclair (primary care), Janet Torres (primary care), Michelle Tufino (neurosurgery), Jenny Ulloa (quality and safety), Ingrid Valencia Callejas (urology), Frank Wing (business intelligence and data)


Know someone who is passionate about making lives better? Let them know we are hiring at UTHealthSA.org/hr.

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