UT Health Physicians in the News

UT Health providers make a difference in our community every day. This month, they were featured in the media for being leaders in San Antonio, explaining the importance of self-care when we're sick, studying the higher rates of infant death on our city's East Side, and much more.


Dr. Francisco G. Cigarroa, University Transplant Center - Business Journal Announces 2018 Legacy Leaders, S.A. Business Journal

Dr. Leanne Embry and Dr. Christine Aguilar, Pediatric Hematology-Oncology -  Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Leaves Young Adults Vulnerable to Sexual Dysfunction, S.A. Business Journal


Dr. Ruben Mesa - Dr. Ruben Mesa, UT Health San Antonio Cancer Center director brings focus on community care and research, San Antonio Magazine


Dr. Waridibo Allison, Infectious Diseases - UT Health San Antonio Discusses HIV, Fox 29

Dr. Patrick Ramsey,Obstetrics & Gynecology - Hispanic babies die at a higher rate in two San Antonio ZIP codes, Express-News

Dr. Nancy Kellogg, Child Abuse Pediatrics - The Psychology of Child Torture, Psychology Today

Dr. Philip Chen, Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery - It's not crankiness, it's 'sickness behavior", Mother Nature Network


For more news visit the UT Health San Antonio Newsroom >>

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In this issue
Building the Pyramid - Our Vision Statement
Operations Update
UT Health Physicians in the News