Melanoma warning signs
Learn about melanoma, the warning signs to recognize and the importance of yearly skin cancer screenings from Dr. Sandra Osswald, a dermatologist at the UT Health San Antonio MD Anderson Cancer Center.
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STIMULUS research clinical trial
If you know an adult between 18-65 years of age who wants to reduce their methamphetamine or cocaine use, UT Health San Antonio may be able to help. Researchers are conducting a clinical trial to learn if the use of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) can help people reduce or stop their use of these stimulants.
Eligible participants will receive compensation for their time. Please call the study team at 210-450-3760, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. or email stimulus@uthscsa.edu for more information or to see if you may qualify.