Feature Article
Leading the War on Breast Cancer: UT Health San Antonio

UT Health San Antonio is one of the leaders in research for breast and other cancers. More than 20 new cancer drugs approved by the FDA for cancer treatment have been developed at UT Health or in collaboration with UT Health researchers.

Meet our new primary care providers

UT Health Hill Country welcomes two new primary care doctors! Dr. Andrea Gerla and Dr. Andrew Dinh can care for the whole family and are accepting new patients now.



FREE EVENT: What's next for dementia treatment

Why are new clinical studies looking at lifestyle changes instead of drugs to treat dementia? What have researchers learned from recent clinical studies? Join us on Dec. 3 at 5:00 pm for an open discussion to these questions on the latest advancements and groundbreaking research for dementia treatment, hosted by the Biggs Institute at UT Health San Antonio. The event is free and open to the public.