Watch UT Healthier TV

UT Healthier TV is streaming 24/7 with videos created especially for you, our valued UT Health San Antonio family. And new videos are being added all the time. Like Netflix, UT Healthier TV lets you watch what interests you the most. View highlights from one of our events, catch the latest president’s message, or hear first-hand about the advancements we are making in research, education and patient care.

Watch UT Healthier TV directly from the My UT Health Intranet home page where you will find the featured video on the right hand side. Then, click on the UT Healthier TV button to start streaming the videos you want to see. Or, go  straight to UT Healthier TV using this link.

UT Healthier TV was created based on the feedback from our recent engagement survey of both faculty and staff. There we learned that offering additional and varied ways to communicate within our complex organization ranked as very important to everyone at UT Health San Antonio. With this in mind, UT Health San Antonio created this easy-to-use tool as a way to communicate, in short video segments, more about what’s happening in our organization and share important news.

We hope you enjoy UT Healthier TV. Have questions or want to offer feedback? Email

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In this issue
Practice operations update
On National Doctors’ Day, say thanks to your favorite physician
A Message from the Chief Information Officer Regarding Advanced Data Center
Nominate your colleagues for exceptional care
Welcome to UT Health San Antonio!
First ever family day at UT Health San Antonio
Watch UT Healthier TV