Contact precautions to help prevent the spread of coronavirus
by Bob Leverence, MD, Chief Medical Officer

The current heightened concern over viral transmission brought upon by the COVID-19 pandemic has compelled UT Health Physicians to remind all our health care workers of the great importance of contact precautions. Once coughing patients are masked, the next most common way the virus spreads is when an infected person touches a surface and then another person touches that same surface. For this reason we are issuing a set of health hygiene reminders to all UT Health providers and staff. 


These reminders are:

  1. No hand shaking – elbow bump instead
  2. Wash hands and/or use hand sanitizer often
    • Clean your high-touch worksurfaces often
    • Sanitizing wipes for phones and keyboards
    • Spray bottle sanitizer for other worksurfaces
  3. Wash scrubs daily
  4. No neckties
  5. No jewelry


In support of these efforts, UT Health Physicians is committed to:


  • Provide adequate supplies of hand sanitizer, hand soap, spray bottle sanitizer and sanitizing wipes.
  • Have housekeeping increase cleaning frequency of elevator and lobby.
  • Provide front desk plexiglass “sneeze guards”.


These actions are critical for the lives of our patients and the wellbeing of our staff and providers.


If you have concerns about any of these matters or if you have a good idea for keeping our workplaces even more clean and safe, please contact your supervisor.   


Thank you for all you do.

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In this issue
Significant operational changes during the COVID-19 pandemic
Contact precautions to help prevent the spread of coronavirus
Commit to social distancing to save lives
Your source for coronavirus updates at UT Health San Antonio