Building the Pyramid: The Patient
by Kenyatta Lee, MD, Chief Quality Officer

People go to doctors out of fear and hope — fear that something may be wrong, but hope that it can be set right. If these emotional needs don’t figure in the physician’s approach, he may be treating half the patient. The question is not now — any more than it has ever been — whether physicians should attach less importance to their scientific training than to their relationships with patients, but rather whether enough importance is being attached to everything involved in effective patient care.

~ Norman Cousins, 1989 


Patient (pey-shuhnt) noun: Derived from the Latin phrase, patientes estote, which means, suffering. Patients visit UT Health when they aren't at their best. They come to our practice looking for comfort and healing by the expertise of our trained nurses, physicians and staff. But, there is a reason we've placed the patient at the very top, the pinnacle, of our Continuous Improvement System pyramid.


The patient is the most important member of the healthcare team as no one stands to gain or lose more in the care we provide. Patients know their body and their feelings more than any other person ever could, no matter their professional training. Engaging the patient in decision making about their medical care empowers them to take an active role in their health, opens the door for open, honest communication and improves understanding. All of these contribute to better quality outcomes and a better patient experience.


Our patients have chosen to trust UT Health with their health and their lives. It is our responsibility to make them our top priority. 


Patients are our #1 Priority. 


Our Promise to our patients:  


We promise to:
·        Be friendly and welcome you warmly
·        Provide outstanding medical expertise
·        Be compassionate every step of the way
·        Give undivided attention to deliver a personal experience
·        Be sensitive to your needs and respectful of your time... always


This is our promise and our passion.

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In this issue
Welcome to the most exciting time in health care history! 
Operations Update
Learn the New, UT Health Way to Greet and Thank Our Patients
Building the Pyramid: The Patient
The Flywheel is Turning: Early Successes with the Access Initiative
Controlled Chaos: Trauma doctors, nurses labored to save lives in Texas' deadliest mass shooting
Important Dates: Staff Certification Program and Orientation
Flu Vaccines Are Available Through the UT Health Network
From Your Patients
UT Health Physicians In the News